1st Reverb Nation Chart Entry
Yes, that´s right. We haven´t released a single track yet, and yet we arrived at Position #5 at The Reverb Nation Electronica Berlin...
More of our music? Here it comes...!
Hello, fellow fans and followers of FOCO. While we are making progress in our production step by step, the Christmas sprit has already...
Nice to have you with us! :-)
We would like to invite you to JOIN OUR MAILINGLIST! We are really happy to see, that there are so many of you already interested in the...
Studio Update #10: New toys
First of all we hope you enjoyed the first newsletter written by SDAC, which I hope, it gave you a different insight into our way to work....
The pillar of "Live without you"
Tuesday September 25th 2018 , Log Entry => SDAC This has been a great day, and a great rehearsal. "Far away, so close" to rehearsing...
We need a pop song
While we are still working on our album (which by the way is still untitled), it became obvious, that this album won´t be too easy to...
Ensayos #1: Que vamos a tocar?
Ya pasó un largo tiempo desde nuestro ultimo blog, así que aquí les va el más reciente update. Hemos empezado a ensayar hace más de un...
Rehearsals #1: What the heck we´re gonna play?
It has been a long time since our last blog entry, so here is the overdue update. We have begun rehearsals more than a month ago,...
Studio Update #9: Todo eso toma su tiempo
Ya han pasado alrededor de nueve meses desde que empezamos a producir este disco. Muchos dirán, que ya nos estamos tardando, y en la...
Studio Update #9: It takes time
It has been now about 9 months since we started producing this record. A lot of people might say, that we already should have finished...